Saturday, December 15, 2012

Bitter Wine and the Poor Old Man

    One of my favorite peaceful moments involve looking though out photos and or reading old journals. Many memories that we so easily forget come back with that same easiness when we read our journals. Tonight I was reading though one of my mission journals and came across this entry. It brought me so much joy. It is an account of nothing of huge importance, but it is one of those small moments of just plain fun that keep you smiling through the day. The small pleasures.
I hope if you read this that it will make you smile. I understand that this is not actually in your memory but I hope the words I wrote back in February of 2009 will be descriptive enough to help you see why this memory is just plain fun :)

February 25, 2009
     " Today while we were out tracting we saw this cute little group of old people relaxing in the shade under some big trees talking and laughing together.  We walked over and enjoyed entering into their conversation.  They had a lot of fun playing with the little bit of Chinese that I know. They thought it was so cute that this little American girl was there with them in Taiwan trying to speak Chinese. One old man told me " you have a baby face."  He laughed and smiled about it. He was so cute, I felt the same way about him... but in the old wrinkly adorable baby face way, but I did not tell him that :)
     Another old man in the circle was trying to open a very old bottle of Chinese wine. I had so much fun just watching his face as he struggled, but I had to let out a laugh when he finally did get it open and he took his first sip. He got the most disgusted look on his face. It almost looked like like he was about to cry becuase it tasted so bad as he leaned over and spit it out :) !!!!!

Sun-dance I am in LOVE with your Rings!!!

I have been wanting a ring from the Sundance catalog for
years. Today I let myself take a peak once again, I gave into
weakness. It is never a good thing :)
Look at these beauties I found: