Thursday, July 3, 2014

"Pregnancy is getting company inside one's skin" Week 38

What do I feel now at 38 weeks:

always needing to pee
like my pelvic bone is going to break in half
my lady parts are on fire
my floating ribs are ALWAYS tender because a little mister really likes to kick them
always thirsty
la duzi (I wrote it in chinese for the sake of saving some amount of embarrassment)  
lower back and lower abdomen cramping
braxton hicks 
bloated hands and feet
achy feet and legs
an itchy belly that I am always slathering with oil



SO MUCH LOVE For a BOY I haven't even met yet
(because of my incredible husband and family)
& Never Lonely

"Running errands and talking on the phone,
I am pleasantly reminded that I am not alone.
Little tiny hands, a precious rounded knee
pushing and twisting that no one can see
Oh sweet child pushing up your heels,
it is our little secret that only I can feel,
I look forward to your birth,
when I can kiss your skin,
but for now I will embrace
this time
that you are only mine"


I am grateful for all the bonding time we have had! It is fun to see how he can recognize my voice. On the random times that he is still I will talk and place my hand on my belly and I will always get a confirmation movement under my hand that he is there. On the opposite circumstances that I begin to think that I have a disco ball in me because of the party that is taking place I will speak and his movements cease. 

Speaking of movements my belly is still always moving in all directions. I heard that by this time in pregnancy the baby usually stops a majority of his moving because of lack of room. Well, I am here to inform you that this little guy has not gotten that memo. He is good about it though. About two months ago he turned into the perfect position, head down (very low I might add)and with all his fancy dance skills he has remained dancing and twisting up side down!

Wanting to get ready for baby I have been tie dying baby clothes, washing and organizing everything, taking a birthing class that Jeff and I just loved, and sewing cloth diaper inserts. Yes, cloth diapers is the route we have chosen! How else can a medical student and his wife who is going to be a stay at home mom afford diapers, you don't. Also I love how much better for the environment they are! Did you know that it takes any where from 250 to 500 years for a disposable diaper to decompose? I took a class that gave me some great advice but if anyone out there has found any tips in the cloth diapering world please share! 

Being pregnant seems like an open invitation for others to give you advice. Advice about pregnancy, LABOR, and being a mom. Yes, it gets annoying, but I know I have been there giving it too, so I try to listen and learn and sometimes ignore. All this advice though as has gotten me thinking. We are always trying to find a purpose in life. To find confidence at what we are doing, to actually be good at something. To enjoy each day. For this reason, even though I have heard hundreds of warnings, I want to support my husband and enter these next years of mayhem. He will stress and study in medical school. And I will most likely barely see him. But in the end he will be happy knowing his purpose and competent in doing so.I am beginning to realize there is nothing more important.

For me, right now, I feel like I have a purpose. For the first time I am truly excited about my "job"!!! And in two weeks I start!!!

This is cheesy, but I am truly grateful for what LOVE can do!!! 

"We dare be brave
And suddenly we see
That love costs all we are
And will ever be.
Yet it is only love
Which sets us free."
~Maya Angelou 

(week 36 photo)

We have been having a lot of fun with photo shooting this little guy, and he isn't even here yet! The nephews had fun joining in with us too :)

 We thought a hippie van was only fitting!

It took me a long time to find it, but this is his coming home from the hospital outfit! 

Washing and getting them all smelly fresh!!

Fun with Christopher and Benjamin

Not only is Jeff a great photographer but an excited doctor in training!

Adorable little hands trying to find the baby!!

and then the blankets drying on the clothes line were found by these little hands

You can't pass up this face!