Day 47: March 10th, 2014
Last Italian
Today was one of Francessca's
friend's birthday. This meant that we got to hang out with a bunch of Italian
early 20 somethings all day. As thrilling as that may seem, it was actually
pretty fun. We were definitely the weird ones of the group. Not only because we
are graduated from college and at least 5 years older than everybody there, we
are also married (before 30! STRANGE!), and pregnant (the horror! Why so
young?? Oh you want more than 2 kids? What are you trying to do? Repopulate the
world by yourself??) They did not understand why on earth we would want to get
married before 30 and why we would even THINK of having a kid before 35, and we
must be absolutely bonkers to want more than 2. Amber says the words "5
kids" and growing a second head in front of them would have elicited a
tamer response. All in all it was a fun day filled with Ping-Pong, Dance Dance
Revolution, a random Italian ball game called Sette( seven in Italian) and of
course, lots of food. The benefit was that nobody was there offering and
forcing food, and there were plenty of young males who could win eating
competitions to polish off the extras so Jeff was spared the duty. His pants thanked him.

We have been addicted to the game 2048! By team effort we won!!!
After the party we headed back to
Francessca's to finalize our packing for the flight back to London, and then we
headed out to look at Rome at night. Since Francessca's village is set on the
hills above Rome, we got a good view of the city lights from just down her
street. We spent a good 45 minutes taking pictures, and in the end it was the
combination of Carlo's camera with our large zoom lens that got the spy worthy
pictures of streets and houses miles and miles away.
Day 48: March 11th, 2014
4:30am is
too early to travel
As you can tell in the heading, we
woke up WAY to early and headed out to the airport. The tiredness was
compounded by the fact that Amber has had a sore throat/cough for a few days
and at the lovely hour of 2:30am she was awoken with a coughing fit. Needless
to say we didn't go back to bed. Here's to traveling with 3 hours of sleep!
Carlo and Francessca drove us the
15 minutes on deserted pothole riddled streets to the airport where we were
herded like cattle back onto the plane. Ryanair is cheap to fly, but as we
mentioned in an earlier post, there is no such thing as creature comforts. The
seats don't even recline. And there are announcements in at least 4 languages
every 10 minutes for the whole 2.5 hour flight, so sleeping is not optional
unless you are one of those people who can sleep through a simultaneous
train/plane wreck accompanied by an earthquake. If you are one of those people,
then we hate you. Hate maybe too strong a word, but it is early and we haven't
had time to put on our happy faces yet.
We eventually landed in Stansted,
had an uneventful ride to London. We then rode the tube to King's Cross
Station. Yes, THAT King's Cross Station.
We didn't take time to find the Harry Potter stuff because we really
wanted some food. Because of that intense need and the need for Wi-Fi, we went
to McDonalds. Yes, we gave in, but it wasn't too bad, and we got the Wi-Fi we
needed to get to our luxurious hostel.
The problem was that we were too early and couldn't check in for an
hour, so we decided to head down to King's Cross Station and see what is at the
famous station.
Needless to say, we weren't disappointed. Now, don't think that this was some ornate, or theatrical station. It was just beautiful. It had been expanded from the original brick building with a really cool metal lattice thing. It was pretty awesome. What was also pretty cool was Platform 9 and 3 quarters. They have a sign there with a trolley half way into the wall. It was manned by some people from the nearby Harry Potter shop who help take pictures, complete with scarves, Hedwig, Glasses, and a wand.
It was pretty cool. The line was long and we were tired,
so after we got some more food, we headed back to the Hostel and immediately
fell asleep for 3 hours. It was a good nap for sure.
After the nap we headed back to
King's Cross to get our own pictures at platform 9 and 3 quarters. It was fun to wait in line
because the employees manning the station are funny and nice, and they even
help you take pictures with your own camera, even though they are also there
taking pictures that they want to sell in the shop. That is a nice feature.
After we got done taking our pictures we headed back and fell asleep in our luxuries springy bed. We both coughed through the night. Such fun colds :( Let's just say we were very ready when our alarm clock went off and we got everything together and headed to London's Heathrow airport!
Day 49: March 12th 2014
Many Hours of FLYING.... SO TIRED
This is what 25+ hours of being awake, 15
hours of flying and a missed connection due to maintenance issues looks
like. Here's to breakfast at 10pm because it should be 7am. And we get 8
more hours of traveling tomorrow.
The hotel the airport put us up in in Phoenix Arizona was super nice!
Day 50: March 13th
Perfect Timing!! Happy One year anniversary since Jeff asked me to be in his life forever!
Thinking back and feeling Grateful!
It is unbelievable to think that these two months of learning so much about culture, history, and ourselves has come to an end. We planned and looked forward to this vacation for so long. Every day was amazing, some more exciting, and others more tiring than others, but every day worth the experiences!
We will forever be grateful that we were able to take this time to have the opportunity to travel through Europe together before life gets to crazy!
I have always gone with what feels right. I don't always know what I am going to learn from it or understand where it leads, but there is a passion in me to love each day that I have! This earth is a beautiful one. There is sadness and heartache, but there is also love and goodness in it. Everywhere we go has both. Travel gives me hope, showing that the majority of humans are kind and are searching for happiness!
Looking back on different adventures in my life I am amazed to see how they have lead me to exactly where I didn't realize I have always wanted to be! The people that have become family to me around the world have shaped me and taught me. I am eternally grateful for a mother who has always supported me to chase after my dreams and now for an incredible husband who stands by my side and is willing to chase these dreams with me!!! Thank you Jeff for being a perfect travel companion! I can't wait to see where these next couple months take us! I love you!!