Wednesday, March 26, 2014


The News That Had Us 
Jumping For Joy
(until it had us sitting in a moving truck for 25 hours)

(Benson and Jeff)

So this blog will be written by a guest author. (The Husband of the lovely Amber, Jeff Shirts) The usual author will be back soon. 

So a few weeks I found out that I was accepted to the University of Washington School of Medicine. That was a huge relief because now I knew that one way or another I was going to be a doctor in the near future. The problem was the way. There were a few different ways that it could theoretically happen. I could go with UW and be happy with it, or I could wait to hear from the University of Utah, which was not slated to give their answer till the end of March/ beginning of April. But either way I was going to be a physician so I was not going to worry too much about it.

Or so I thought.
 What the ladies like to do to relax. They talked me into it :)
 Baskin Robins Ice Cream

This worry began at the 2 interviews that I was granted. Before going to the interview at the U of U I did NOT want to stay in Utah. I wanted out as fast as possible, and anywhere was good enough. Then I went and fell in love with the campus and the program. Go figures. UW on the other hand was always at the top of my list in some form or another. Then I finally got an interview with UW, and I was not the biggest fan of the program, campus (The Health Sciences building in particular. The rest of campus is GORGEOUS!), or the attitude that some of the people I interacted with. It was too, " You have to be a primary care physician and stay in Idaho the rest of your life", and that is not necessarily what I want to be dictating my future. Amber and I both felt the same way when we were driving home after the interview, and we just expected to make the decision when it came time,  at least a month. 

Well we were wrong. 4 days later, while watching the Oscars on a Sunday evening, we noticed that my email said (notification, not reminiscent of chick flick or AOL) that I had a new message. I opened it up and it read as follows:

Congratulations on being selected to be part of the 2014 Idaho WWAMI class! I really hope  you choose to come to UWSOM, and if there are any questions that I can answer for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  My cell is listed below.  

Looking forward to seeing you at orientation in August!"

Well that was a shock. Now we would have to make decisions soon, maybe. I didn't think too much about it. I was just stoked. My lifelong, cliché dream was coming true. 

A few days later we boarded a plane and flew to California for Amber's baby shower and to see Amber's mom. I was excited for 10 days of relaxation and thinking nothing of the future, but instead focusing on sunshine and, well, nothing else. 

That changed when we decided to go to the Sacramento Temple. 

 (Our Little Boy At 21 weeks)
While we were there we had the impression that everything that we were doing was the right thing and that it was all going to work out. We were both very happy with that, but we kept on discussing what to do for med school. We weren't set on what we were going to do so we kept talking when the topic came up. A week later we had discussed the topic at length some more and still had no firm decision. Well almost exactly one week later Amber and I woke up and Amber said to me, "If we are going to go to UW, then we need to move the stuff out of here and get the stuff from Utah on the way, and move it up to North Idaho." I agreed with her. If we were going to go to UW then there was no point in me coming back down after the baby was born and before school starts to do the trip if we were already here. All we had to do was cancel our plane tickets (Thank you Southwest), and rent a truck. 

We immediately decided to head to the temple again and find out if that is what we were supposed to do. 

This was especially important because it was Wednesday and we were slated to leave on Friday, and Judging by the title of this post, we made the decision to go to UW. So after we got home I got on the computer and canceled our flights, researched a moving truck, rented a truck, emailed UW confirming my acceptance, started looking for housing in Moscow and a few other things as well. It was probably one of the most effective uses of 2 hours I have ever had on a computer, and when it was all done we both felt good. 

Apprehensive and scared, but good. 

Fast Forward to Monday morning. We go at 8:30 when the rental truck place opens  to get the truck, and after some snags that needed working out with my Credit Card company (They get suspicious when you spend over your credit limit at varying places all over the world. But when you are trying to plan a trip to Europe and a move from Lodi, CA all while living in Idaho, it is easy to look like a fraudster I guess.), getting 30 minutes of help to load the truck ( all you need when you are newly married), and double checking that we had everything, we were on our way. And boy do we have an adventure to tell you about that drive. 

Riveting, I tell you. Nothing quite like it. I mean, who wouldn't enjoy 25 hours in a truck that wants to bury itself in the shoulder every time  a gust of wind comes up, or that gets 12MPG on a really flat stretch of freeway( a.k.a. Nevada)? Well, if you answered no, then either A. Never move or B. Hire professionals to break, I mean move, your stuff for you. Oh, I almost forgot. Top that little delectable morsel of goodness I described to you with bleak and dreary landscapes  especially Sparks Nevada, you have something. Yep. Something. 

The only thing that made it better was the pregnant, road-hauling champion. That is exactly what Amber was. A champion. She put up with my moods, stresses and lunacy (It set in just about the time the trees disappeared after Donner Pass. Coincidence? I think NOT!), and just kept on going. She even read to me the sad ending of a book series (The Great And Terrible) we were reading while crying. If that's not love, then I don't know what is. 

I was really happy though because we took 3 days instead of 2 to make the drive and spent one day at my aunt Roselee's house loading the truck and catching up with some awesome people who live in the Utah-land and one who fortuitously happened to be there from Kansas. Way to go Kansas City spring break! It was positively delightful. 

After we arrived in Idaho we quickly unloaded the truck into the Shirts Storage Units, and then rested. It was not the longest rest in the world because the next day we packed up most of our stuff from Connie's house, the house where we were living/house sitting for 3 months and added it to the Shirts Storage Units and then finalized our plans for Europe. 

And now here we are. Sitting in a flat in London, exhausted from hours of traveling , but excited to see the world. So follow along as we tackle Central Europe by plane, train, and automobile!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunny Vacation

March 4th-17th, 2014

 Visiting my mom, family, and friends these past two weeks has been absolutely AMAZING! Northern Idaho, where we have been living for the past two and a half months, is freezing. The snow has a majestic beauty when observed from a heated room through a window though! It is confirmed, I hate freezing temperatures. I know that is a strong word, but it is worth using for this post. My poor husband has been very kind in always warming up the car for at least 5 minutes for me before I make the quick dash from the warm fireplace to the car. He also always turns on the floor heater so when I get out of a shower I can quickly sit in front of it to warm up as I dry off. So ridiculous I know.  Many can deal fine with the cold, others even love it. I am a big baby, and I am a helpless wreck. Now that I have complained for awhile I hope I have not bored anyone, but helped you feel comforted that you are not the only baby out there like me, or helped you understand why I loved this vacation even more! California sun is AMAZING!!!

Jeff and I boarded our flight with our luggage packed full with sandals, shorts, and t-shirts. I am happy to say we used it all!!! We had so much fun going on double dates with friends, going out to dinner with my step-father, having brunch with grandparents, going on daily walks with the dogs while soaking in the sun, visiting the Sacramento Temple twice, Sunday dinners with friends, shopping, and enjoying a wonderful baby shower put on by my mom and Cynthia Graves! 

Baby Highlights:

It was a blast to show my best friend my baby bump. As Katherine opened her front door and saw me, she began crying as she hugged my belly. I love her children and have always enjoyed watching them grow, and it is fun to be in the same stage of life now!
Sunday night 3.9.14, my mom got to feel three strong kicks by the little guy! It was so fun to watch her face light up as she felt her first grand child!!! His movements are becoming stronger and continuous! 

 My schedule is crazy so the only time that I could fly down and visit during my pregnancy was now, just around the half way mark. My mom was so sweet, and planned and surprised me with a baby shower.  It was fun to see many friends and be able to celebrate with them!
Here are some of the pictures that were captured at the baby shower:

 preparing the food
 our yummy menu

 Jeff was awesome and such a good sport. He set up an adorable photo booth!
 Ann Kerr and I representing the "Y"
 It was such a beautiful day!

 The master minds behind the party!  
 Thank you Ladies!!!
Baby things are too Adorable!!
 An adorable diaper carriage that my Grandma made!
 Jeff and I were like children as we looked over our adorable baby clothes!!!