Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Emmett at 9 Months Old

Our Happy Spirited Nine Month Old
(all pics taken in April 2015)

In the past nine months my house has turned into what feels like a toy store, my hair is a total mess most of the time, I can count on my fingers how many showers I have taken alone, my floor has been smeared with baby food, throw up, and poop. I have not had one single good night sleep in the past 18 months. If anyone were to look at me they would see circles around my eyes and someone that looks extremely exhausted. But the answer to that change in my appearance would be obvious when they see this little boy in my arms that is the spitting image of me!

 It is crazy to think that nine months ago I was in the hospital giving birth to this happy spirited little boy and that nine months before that Jeff and I were just deciding to change our purpose and life forever! Best Decision we have made! 

I was given the advice that one can never take too many pictures. I have taken this to heart, so be prepared! Emmett changes so fast so each of these pics are precious to me! 

Have fun looking at who are little boy is becoming:

Emmett Loves saying "Dada" over and over! He gets excited every time Jeff comes home!

Looking snazzy for church

 Taking a nice Sunday walk through the atrium of University of Idaho's campus

Every morning Emmett wakes us up at the break of dawn ready to play
He loves clapping and making the Indian 
chant sounds by patting his mouth                                         

(we found that the videos work best if you hit the link that takes you to YouTube on bottom right)

Emmett's first camping trip! We only stayed for one night because a huge rain and windstorm came through. I had never been out in a wind storm like this. It was crazy! The tent walls would come all the way down and touch me through the night because the wind was so intense! If it wasn't so creepy sounding it would have been really cool. None of us adults slept well, but Emmett slept great. It must have sounded the same as his white noise at home. At one point Emmett was sleeping in the tent while us adults were playing games outside. We had not staked our tent down yet and the first big wind came through camp. It looked like the tent with Emmett in it was going to be carried into the lake. Even with all the excitement Emmett never woke up :)

Us WWAMI wives planned a fun Easter egg hunt around Moscow for our men :)

 Talking with Nana over Skype

One month ago exactly, on his 8 month birthday he took his first slow crawl.... now he is a speedy machine! I was scared for this day, but it has actually made for a happier baby and me surprisingly! He used to get so frustrated trying to get to his toys, now when he wants something it is no longer a guessing game. I love watching what he wants and goes for!

Our new crib! Looking for cribs was horrible. They are so expensive and poor quality. We wanted a simple but classic sturdy one. The Amish style was perfect, but they were also in the $3,000 dollar bracket. A bit over our price range!!!! A really nice friend of my moms is a carpenter. He had never made a crib before but was willing to try. He used beautiful white thick oak that will last for many babies. We couldn't be more grateful for how beautiful it turned out and for the price he gave us! Emmett loves it too!

First Nutella expereince! Think he likes it! 

Perks of being a med school student! Jeff was allowed in to his sister's C-section while "Dr. Love" and I waited with Janet in the nurses station. 

Emmett with Grandpa. Ever since Emmett was just a few days old he has calmed down and smiled when Grandpa is holding him. 

Starting with Emmett we began a new tradition that is very fitting with how much the Shirts family loves fire. When Emmett was three days old we had a bonfire to celebrate. Now with our new nephew born on 4.14.15 our family celebrated Alexander's birth three days later! As you can see the boys LOVE the fire!!! Also if you are thinking that I have an extremely large chest in this picture you are mistaken. Alexander is curled up in there :)

Hiking Elk River Falls with WWAMI friends

I can kiss this boy all day long

We swaddled Emmett for 8 months. This past month has been fun to see how Emmett likes to sleep. I have found him many times in his crib asleep in crawling position :) 

Because of Emmett's happy personality we didn't notice that he had double ear infections until they had gotten really bad 
:( Sad times!

Emmett thinking Peek A Boo is hilarious!

 Tell me you wouldn't do everything for this sweet face!?!

HAHA! This has become Emmett's new favorite thing.... carrying socks, shoes, 
and books around in his mouth. Our own little puppy ;)

Oh and did I mention that he LOVES chewing on everything!

 These moments are few and far between so I treasure them when they come!

"Hold him a little longer,
rock him a little more,
Tell him another story,
tell him a million more.
Let him sleep on your shoulder,
cherish his every smile!
He is only a baby
for just a little while." 

21 pounds
28 inches
four teeth

Favorite Foods: pesto pasta, Gerber baby food ham (meat jars), cheese, yogurt, bananas,bananas, pears, and nursing

Favorite things (toys): his soft fuzzy blanket for nap time, balls, wheels, throwing his books off his shelf,anything he can chew, and bath time