Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Bio Chem and Norovirus

The week of November 16th, 2014

This week was dominated by two things. Biochemistry and norovirus. Jeff had a test for Biochem on Thursday which meant that he spent almost all of his days and nights studying for it. He felt like he did well, but we will see how it turned out next week. To celebrate we went out to a restaurant with a few of his med school classmates after the test at the Ale House. It has pretty good burgers, we know that because that is what we got. Emmett was once again the center of attention. The minute we arrive at any med school event the flirting between him and Jeff’s female classmates begin.  He gets passed around and we usually don’t see him until the event is over or until he begins whining for milk, which only I can provide ;)

During his precepting on Tuesday he was able to see a laparoscopic splenectomy and a total thyroidectomy, both of which were pretty awesome.  He got to suture on the splenectomy and he didn’t take forever trying to tie the knots so that was a welcome improvement over the last few weeks!

I had a good week with friends playing games (mostly Ticket to Ride with Bonnie, and Bunko with the ladies from the ward) and watching Emmett grow. Oh how I love being these two guys stay at home mom and wife! Little Emmett is getting better at rolling over. Still is not a consistent thing, more of an accident. But he does it :) He is also getting better at holding a bottle and reaching and making contact with toys! And if he is not eating his hands than he is smiling! I feel lucky to have such a happy boy!

The end of the week was not as exciting for me. One of my friend’s kid’s decided to share what we suspect was a strain of the norovirus. Or as I like to think a great but not so fun diet plan before the large intake of food prior to the holiday season. 6 pm on Thursday night is when my body decided to empty EVERYTHING out of my system. The thrilling time lasted all night. Come morning Jeff being a doctor in training and great husband took care of his tired and delusional wife. Before Jeff left for school he set me up with all that I would need to stay alive till he got home. He then called Janet (his mom) to tell her that she would not be seeing us that night, but instead would have to wait till Saturday so that I could recover. Thanksgiving break would just have to wait a day. That meant that there would be one less day with a grandchild and Janet would have no part of that, so Janet and Janneke drove down to Moscow and kidnapped Emmett and I.  We got to CDA where I slept the rest of the day and Emmett was happily taken care of by adoring fans! This left Jeff to quickly pack up after class was over and head up to Coeur d’Alene.

       Nana, Benjamin, Emmett, Christopher

Happy 4 Months

Emmett also turned four months old on Friday! He weighed in at a whopping, adorable, cuddly 16.8 pounds!

Saturday was a day filled with lots of lounging around, pho for dinner and then Jeff and I got to go to a movie, in a theater by ourselves. We saw “Meet the Mormons”. It was really good and heartwarming. I cried a few times. Surprise, surprise. ;)

Most of all we are both excited for a complete week off of school. A far cry from BYU’s 3 days off of class. Mostly Jeff is excited to study without more material being added onto his plate, especially because finals are 2 weeks after Thanksgiving break.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Keep Calm & Enjoy Fall


The fall season is my favorite time of year! The crisp air gives this feeling that everything is starting over and there is endless possibilities! I believe it brings feelings of when I was little living in Humboldt County. It was only rare occasions when the weather veered from being in the 60's. I loved bonfires on the beach while wearing a sweatshirt! It was a time of my life when there were no worries. I spent hours decorating our tree houses and searching for seashells. It sounds like a story, but it was real and I loved it!

(5 year old me holding a starfish)

My friends little girl is going to be a caterpillar for Halloween! It was such an adorable idea that I wanted to help her make this green crocheted body suit. After I was done making it I just loved how cozy and Fall like it looked to me. I wanted somehow to express Autumn's beauty and cozy feel through it. I was watching Emmett sleep, which I always find beautiful for many reasons ;) and had the thought for these pictures.  

"Green is the prime color of the world, 
and that from which its loveliness arises."

Thank you Autumn For
1.Cozy sweaters & scarves
2.Leaves changing colors
4.Hot Chocolate & Apple Cider
5.Nice Smelling candles
6.movies and cuddling
7.Sound of rain on the roof
8.Yummy homemade food everywhere you turn
9.carving pumpkins
10. Beautiful Photo Opportunities

Friday, October 17, 2014

Emmett's Baby Blessing

Emmett's Baby Blessing 

There were many reasons that made September 28th so special! 1st it was Jeff's 26th birthday!! When we first decided on the weekend for Emmett's blessing we didn't even realize it would be the 28th. As it got closer we couldn't believe the fun coincidence. An exciting birthday present if you ask me! This day seems to be popular in the Shirt's family. It is also Janneke's (Jeff's older sister) birthday! Jeff got to open up a few presents and his mom got him a cold stone cake, and she got Janneke an ice cream cake! It was a celebration all around! 

Emmett's sweet personality is curious of everything around him. His eyes and head never stop moving in every direction. People stop us everywhere we go and comment on how alert the little handsome man is! He absolutely loves to to smile and giggle! I just love getting to know him better!

Those who helped 
with the Blessing:

Jeffrey C. Shirts (Dad)
Robert B. Shirts (Grandpa)
Charles Goodrich (Great Grandpa)
Jonathon Shirts (Uncle)
Michael Ewert (Uncle)
Mike Park (Bishop)
Tim England (Church/Family Friend)
Randy Priebe (Church/Family Friend)
Will Fagan (Church/Family Friend)

Matching Outfits Ever!!!

Not only did Nana Janet Shirts make Emmett's stunning outfit but she made a secret lining to match his dad's suit coat.

When Jeff's family took a trip to China when he was in high school they had this tux made. With some of the left over material Janet made this super fun inside lining. Like father like son :) 

THANK YOU Janet!!!! 

 All the Shirts Family children with spouses and their kids

 All the adorable Grand kids!
 Emmett with Grandma Donna


 Four Generations

Emmett's Blessing Was Beautiful

Our Heavenly Father loves our Emmett and is happy that he chose to come to Earth. I feel incredibly grateful to have such a strong spirit in our home! I know he will have crazy days, all kids do, but I love that I have the reassurance that even though life will be hard Emmett is strong and will always try his best to do what is right. In this crazy world that we live in that is such a comfort to this momma! 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Small Town Charm

This was a while back but it was too fun for me not to post! 

 Two weeks old! Look at how he can hold his head up, he came out that way! Way to strong :) I can't believe how much he has changed. His hair used to be so dark! 

    I was such a go and do things kind of girl before Emmett came along. The world is huge and I wanted to see it all with out ever slowing down. Well I am beginning to learn that I need balance, although some might say that I am still trying to do to much. Give me time ;) I am learning! We all need excitement and beauty in our life and having a baby has shown me that staying home is wonderful! I really learned this last week after a crazy week that just ended where I took on the task to drive down to Utah to visit family (a post later to come). WOW I am exhausted now!

Jeff and I have explored many a country through Europe and what we found was incredible, but equal to that adventure is finding all the beauty close to home. I thought that when we moved to Moscow, Idaho that we would be out in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do. I was so wrong. For a month there we had a carnival, county fair, lentil festival, and rodeo! Many a carnival corn dog and elephant ears were eaten! Bring on the small town charm!

Honeysuckle Beach 8.16.14

Jeff and I were also able to get a way for a tiny bit and explore Hayden lake. I thought that carrying Emmett around would have strengthened my arms but I was so wrong! I was such a slow poke out there kayaking! At one point I look up and Jeff had gotten a good 100 feet ahead of me. I decided it wasn't worth the energy and just placed the paddle on my lap and looked around. Everything was beautiful. The waves on the lake and the green everywhere.... it is amazing how beautiful nature is!!!

Sweet little boys!

hehe :)

National Lentil Festival 8.22.14

  500 gallons of free lentil chili 

The festival is a yearly tradition here. But this year it ended abruptly. About one hour in the skies turned dark and there was a torrential down poor. We quickly got out of there and headed home for a fun date night!!!

The Whitman County Rodeo 9.6.14

We met up with three of Jeff's classmates and their families and our good friends from church to go to a rodeo. When I was back at BYU Idaho I went to a few and loved them, Jeff on the other hand had never been to one. I don't think he was that excited to begin with, but by the end I think he liked it! My favorite is the country music and trick riders! There were these young kids who were riding their horses backwards, standing, and hanging off of the sattle. Amazing to watch, but I think I would have a heart attack if Emmett ever tried doing that! 

 How Emmett enjoyed the festivities

My little family!