Saturday, April 26, 2014

Easter in Orsfeld

Translation: HAPPY EASTER

Day 26: April 19th, 2014
Today was a relaxing day, or as relaxing as it can be with 7 kids in the house, while the parents headed to the temple for a stake temple trip. We were not in charge of babysitting, that was for the older kids, but we were definitely the preferred attraction.

The youngest kids, 2, 5 and 8, wanted to play with us, especially the 2 and 5 year old. Allie had to go to work at noon, so we played with the kids for a while, but then Amber needed a pregnancy nap. Jeff sat next to her and eventually fell asleep as well. While we were asleep we had multiple visitors, namely the 2 and 5 year old. One time the 2 year old opened the door reached just her hand into grab the chapstick that was sitting on a bench next to the door. She then applied it, most likely liberally, to her lips, she was behind the door so we couldn't see and then quietly placed it back on the bench and closed the door. It was adorable.

We played with the kids until the parents came home, and then had dinner with the family. After that we headed off with Allie to one  of her friend's house and watched Gravity. Now Amber is for sure never letting Jeff go to space!

Day 27: April 20th, 2014 EASTER!!

For Easter Sunday we went to the ward here in the area with Allie and her sister's family. Most of the ward members are from the base so it was all in English. It was fun because we got to see Carrie (Warner) Borgia's brother and sister-in-law and their cute child who are also in the ward. 

After church we came home and Jeff got enlisted to help the Easter Bunny hide baskets for the kids. It was lots of fun to see then search high and low for them. Jeff was in charge of the two older kids and he may have been a little hard for the oldest girl. After a few hints she eventually found it.

Later some friends from the ward came over for dinner . It was really good and fun to talk to other people about American issues. Really, long adult conversations were a bonus since we have been used to halted conversations with varying levels of English proficiency and kids for the past month.

The area next to their home is a beautiful countryside. The kids went out walking with Amber as she took some pictures. Then the kids had a turn with the camera: 

 Happy Easter from the Shirts!
 and from BABY SHIRTS TOO!

Allie was so sweet and surprised us with an Easter basket!

Day 28 April 21, 2014: 
The tale of 4 countries

We woke up this morning and we packed all our stuff for our flight to Pisa that night and then we got in Allie's really awesome old VW Golf, it has a lot in common with the old Sentra , and headed out on an excursion. This is the only kind of excurision that you can have in Europe. We left Orsfeld and drove across Luxembourg and drove into Belgium so that we could go to a large French supermarket that Amber used to frequent on her mission in Taiwan.

Little door on the old church next door to the Carrefour. Were people really this small once?

They don't even know the awesomeness of their license plate. 

The only problem was that it was Easter Monday, basically an extension of the Easter weekend in Europe, and all the stores were closed. So we took a picture and headed back to Luxembourg to Luxembourg City. We spent a few hours walking around the city and taking in the beautiful view that is afforded by the fact that the city is built on what was on old fortress until 1867. The main walls are still there and help the city achieve its perch above a gorge that is now a park. It was beautiful to look down on the large trees that were in the park.

Luxembourg was the opposite of Belgium. Very busy with many outdoor markets!!

More sausage!

The city was built historically as a Roman fortress on a rock mountain, with cliffs on all sides. There are beautiful gardens now at the base of those cliffs!

Had to go with Nutella Gelato! 

Back in Germany heading to the airport. The countryside and colorful trees are just breathtaking! 

After that we got back in the car and drove back to Germany to catch our plane to Pisa. We are flying the cheap airline, Ryanair, and they are cheap for a reason. You get nothing. And we really mean nothing. First there is the tickets.  You have to print your own and bring it with you. If you fail to do that it is €70 to have them print it for you. Every checked bag is paid for, and it is even paid for in classes of weight. If it is less than 15kg it is €30 but if it is up to 20kg it is €40. Not cheap. Then there is the fact that they do not fly to airports that are very centrally located. Our flight was out of the Frankfurt-Hahn airport. Your first guess would be that it is near to Frankfurt, but your first guess would be wrong. Your next 50 guesses would also be wrong because the Frankfurt-Hahn airport is an hour and a half from Frankfurt in an old US Air Force Base, complete with abandoned houses and offices surrounding the area.  Even the airport is bare bones. I guess you get what you pay for. Then on the plane  things get even more spartan. There are no safety cards or magazines. The safety information is in the seat back in front of you and you have to ask for the magazine. There is no beverage service and you have to pay a premium for all the food and beverages. This is definitely a pack your own snacks kind of flight.  So if you want to fly very cheaply, and don't mind seats that don't recline and want to board a plane with the feeling that you are more cow than human, then this is the airline for you. At least the fares for both Amber and me were only €50 total.

After the uneventful flight we landed in Pisa, Italy and there met up with the Italian Cousins, Carlo and Sara, and headed to our B&B. It was so good to for Amber to see them again, and for Jeff to meet them. Now we get to have the second half of our adventure. An adventure that we have no itinerary for, and we are excited to be lead instead of trying to figure it all out. It looks like it is going to be so much fun!

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