Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Recipes, Ceramics, & Paintings

Day 38: May 1st, 2014
Today was the Italian equivalent of Labor Day here in the states. It meant that nothing was open and we ate lots more good food. It wasn't  much of an all day affair as Liberation Day was, but that does not mean that there was not good food. And plenty of it.

We slept in, of course, and then around noon we headed over to Carlo and Sara's parent's house to have lunch. It consisted of multiple courses of meat, bread, pasta,vegetables, milk, Coke, and Gelato. It was delicious as usual! 

After the food we came back to Anna's and rested and played games with Gerrardo and Filomena. It was lots of fun and I think that Gerrardo is addicted to Jenga. Jeff taught him how to play. He got a game set with many different games in it, and one was Jenga. The problem is that the blocks are small and of varying size, which proves tricky for the game. All in all it was a fun night, especially because Jeff never lost Jenga and Amber won Chinese Checkers.

Day 39: May 2nd, 2014
Today was another relaxing day. Those seem to be the status quo these days, and we are not complaining. We got up at 11am, maybe noon, and proceeded to not do much. Later in the afternoon, Filomena asked us if we wanted to go for a walk and take 11 year old cousin Filomena to her dance class and then meet up with Anna at the salon where she was getting her hair done. It was fun to sit there and see how the ladies interacted and how the children of the hair dressers ran around. Even though we couldn't understand anything it was still fun. After a while we decided to brave the rain (it seems like a constant fixture in Formicola, which we are assured is NOT normal) and go for a walk. The rain was pretty steady for our 10 minute walk around the majority of the town, but we had a trusty umbrella so we weren't worse for the wear.

Later that evening Anna started making dinner, and she decided to make gnocci. The best part is that she let us help! As you can see in these pictures we didn't screw it up and it was good as usual!

Mound of Flour- About as big as my hand and mound it

Make Crater- Fill with about 2 Tbs. of oil and about 1-1.5 Tbs of salt

Add warm water to Crater and start to incorporate the water, oil, salt and flour, keeping the crater intact.

Once middle is mostly solid start kneading in the sides.
Knead for about 5 mins or until the dough is solid, malleable, and smooth. It should not be wet or dry.

If wet, add flour. If dry add a tiny bit of water.

Cut into small pieces about the size of an egg
Roll into strands with the thickness of your index finger.

Cut those into tootsie roll size pieces.

Roll over a grooved board or fork to make the ball.

Let dry for 5-6 hours (shorter time is fine, the longer you wait the better).

Add to boiling water until the right consistency

VARIATIONS: Use half boiled and mashed potatoes, half flour. Add spinach or pumpkin to boiling water

Anna also gave us some other great recipes:

Tomato Sauce
Wash lots of tomatoes
Put in boiling water and cook until they are very soft
Put in strainer and push out insides (or use machine). Skin will stay in strainer.
Put insides in to a canning Jar (medium to large canning jar)- Add spoonful of salt
Seal can closed by wrapping in a little towel and boil for 30 mins
Put in dark cupboard for at least one day.
Use within the year.

In stock pot- add fresh garlic, a little onion and EVOO
Cook till soft and brown
Add finely chopped meat (Bacon, chicken. . .) cook for 3 mins
In separate pot cook desired pasta- Cook and strain water
To pasta pot add mixture from first pot and 3 scrambled eggs
Cook on med-low heat till eggs are cooked.
Optional: Add cheese, salt and/or pepper

Ground Hamburger
Fresh chopped onion
Cook till meat and onion are brown
Add cooked noodles and tomato sauces 

Day 40: May 3rd, 2014 
Amalfi Coast!
When we woke up today we didn't have any definite plans because the forecast on the coast was bad the night before, but we were in for a surprise. Carlo called and said that the weather on the coast was supposed to be good that morning and that in the afternoon it would get bad. We quickly got ready and headed out.

On the drive we were finally able to see most of Vesuvius.

It is kind of terrifying how close it is to the city of Napoli. Carlo was talking to us and saying that the geologists are saying that there is a good chance that it could erupt again very soon, even within the next year. We shall see how good their prediction skills are, we guess. But what that means is that if you want to see Pompeii you better head out soon because it will probably take them a while to dig it out again!

We eventually got to the first city which was a iconic little village set on the hill above the bay. It was beautiful and full of little shops. Amber has wanted to go the Amalfi coast for a long time and she was so happy be there because we were able to make our only souvenir purchases of the trip: A clay nativity and a painting. It is a beautiful hand painted picture, exactly what we wanted, and we are excited to get it home and hang in our future home. 

We then continued down the winding road along the coast to the next town. While were driving we spotted a small tornado that was forming off the coast. Jeff thought it was awesome. Amber was a little terrified. It came close to the mountain, but we don't know if it ever made contact or caused any serious damage.

This was only the beginning of the storm though. As we got lunch from a supermarket and proceeded to eat it on the pier, the horizon and sky got darker and darker and the wind got stronger.  

When the wind really stared to pick up we decided that it was time to go and we started heading to the car. We were too late. It started to rain, and rain hard.

It was reminiscent of the rain we experienced in Pompeii. Carlo and Fabio both wanted to get out of the rain and were worried for us, but both of us were kind of enjoying the rain. Jeff really wanted to run around and get soaked. I guess the 4 year old in him was alive and well that day.

We then proceeded to drive back for Formicola through the rain, and again the rain stopped once we left Napoli. In the evening we had more good food and jenga playing! All in all it was a great day and we are happy with our purchases!

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