Saturday, July 19, 2014

101% Loading

How am I feeling? Good question. The past couple of weeks have been exhausting because of the lack of sleep. My hips and bladder are SO ready to have this baby, but everything else is not. Just about every two hours I am up to go to the bathroom and the other hour and a half are full of trying to find a comfortable position. The other half hour I get to sleep! This equals about three hours a sleep a night! Poor Jeff also gets the brunt of my uncomfortable nights. It is not just the woman that has it hard. He never gets a restful night with me tossing and turning and throwing off the blankets. How can a pregnant woman get so hot!?! He also is there to comfort and massage when my anxiety is about to make me explode! He has a big job! Not only that, but he gets up and works 40 hours a week and prepares for medical school that is going to start in only three weeks! 

I never thought I would be one to go over 40 weeks, but here I am. I only ever grew up hearing stories of babies that have come early. I knew how to deal with that, but this, not at all.  At this point you begin to loose sight and believe you will be pregnant forever. People try to comfort you and tell you otherwise but it just doesn't sink in, or even hit the surface. Ya, the doctor says that he will not allow this baby to stay in after 41 weeks. But is that really going to happen.... In this girl's mind that is now foggy with so many emotions... NO. Sorry doctor, you are going to work your magic and it is not going to work on this girl. Am I being ridiculous? Yes, I know I am. But we have tried it ALL!!! Every one has their secret on how to start labor. We did them all, you say it, we have done it, and no baby. 

Yesterday morning, 7.18.14, at 10:15am my doctor had me come in and he put this in me:

A Foley Balloon Cervix Catheter

It was not painful, just some uncomfortable pressure. That is until I stood up and the contractions started. After 11 hours it fell out all on its own. At that point I knew that I had dilated to 3 or a 4. It is true that contractions have a deep ache that HURTS!But when you know the pain leads to something amazing it is easier to try and relax as you suffer through! Even though I am feeling contractions, my mind is still having a hard time believing that I am going to see my little boy in the near future. Maybe I will not give in until I am in the hospital. Either way I will have to believe when he gets placed on my chest. That is the moment I can not wait for! 
Come on little man help me make all this ranting be an irrelevant thing of the past!!!

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