Thursday, November 8, 2012

Don't Waste a Day

"If you had a friend you knew you'd never see again, what would you say? 
 If you could do one last thing for someone you love,
 what would it be?
 Say it! Don't wait! Nothing lasts forever."

        I saw this quote today on Face Book of all places :) I loved it!!! I have been pondering about this concept a lot lately. I am not yet old and although I have had many experiences I do not feel like I am at that stage in life that I could council and be respected because of my many years of experiences... but even though this is not the case I am feeling the loss of time that "experienced" people speak of. I feel as if precious moments come and go so quickly. Saying good bye to a family member or friend when their long awaited visit seemed like it would never come or a kiss good night or an infant quickly grows into a toddler... all these things are gone so fast. They  happened, but it almost feels like they didn't. Do any of you know what I am talking about? All those out there that are not all touchy feely just try ;)
      I will come out and say that I LOVE giving complements, probably because I soak them in like Aloe Vera on a sunburn. If the words were sincere than they make me feel happy, pretty, and confident inside. Because I feel this way I believe that others would feel this way as well.  I have learned lately that this is not always the case. And no Jeff, I am not only talking about you.... but yes you are one of the individuals that I have learned this from the most :)  Since slowly picking up on this fact I have found that when real feelings are expressed most people begin to back away feeling awkward.  Yes, there is an understanding of the person you are trying to express your feelings too and depending on the situation feelings can be expressed in different ways. BUT I still stand by the idea that feelings need to be expressed. Holding them is uncomfortable, sad because it keeps what could be a closer relationship at arms length, and I guess just plain stupid!!!
      I still find it hard to put my feelings into words and I understand the nervous slash awkward feelings that arises in the pit of your stomach some of the time when you think of expressing your feelings... But I say do it. Like the quote says, what if it is the last time you see that person.  We never know when life will take someone we love away from us. Or what if you don't and you miss the opportunity of making someone's day and last, what if you don't and you never are given the chance to find out about all those that care about you.
    I want to do what my heart pushes me to do... your feelings are who you are! Tell those that you love that you love them. Other things such as work, school, exercise, etc. are important but people are even more!!! They are the largest blessing we have. I don't want a day to pass that I don't tell them how much I care!

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