Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jeff and Amber's Funny Awkward Adventures


          Two very funny situations occurred today. They might be the kind of thing that you need to be there to find so hilarious, or not... I guess you will decide :)
          The first was when, once again I lost or better yet "miss placed" my cell phone. Jeff knowing this might happen made me download this app a while back called Find My I-Phone. It is essential if you are like me! I would suggest downloading it for moments such as these. After watching the new Top Gear episode, which was HILARIOUS by the way, and I am not really into cars but yet I find this show thrilling, we got up to leave. It was about 10 pm at this point in the evening. I reach into my pocket and my phone is not there. I usually start getting anxious at this point, but with modern technology and Find My I-Phone I knew it would be all right. Jeff pulled out his I-phone and located my phone. Apparently I left it at the girls apartment that we went to FHE (Family Home Evening) at a couple hours earlier.
         Jeff thinking that it would be funny to play with modern technology finds the gadgets within this app and  tells my phone to start making very loud siren noises. I think this is meant to help me find the phone if I was in close proximity. At this moment in time it was being used to startle the girls in the apartment. We stood in Jeff's apartment laughing at the events that were probably taking place three blocks down in apartment 108. Little did we know what was really taking place. By the way I should mention we understand that if this was not a college town environment but a "real" life town environment we would have respected the after 9 pm rule!!
         I get to their door and after knocking I hear "come in." I open the door and what do I find? This will make more since if you are aware of LDS culture, if you are not I will explain. One of the roommates who was sick was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room with two young men standing behind her as if they had just given her a blessing. This is one of the comforts and miracles of the gospel. We believe young men that are worthy have been given power from God to bless his children. We often use this power when we are sick or are in need of comfort. Well, as you can imagine these moments are usually moments of personal time and quietness, not a time of me barging in or making a phone that is located in the apartment start yelling siring noises at them. Everyone started bursting into laughter. They explained that luckily they had not began the blessing yet when the sirens started, but were just about to. I am so grateful!!!! That would have been extremely embarrassing!! The girls did play back though. They thought the phone was Jeff's, so trying to call me to let him know they had it they could not find my name but called many that had a name close to my spelling. They talked to many and had a good time. They also pretended to call and order 12 pizzas to Jeff's address :)

Second funny experience of the evening:
          I should start this one by saying that Yes, Jeff and I know that we have a lot of fun in weird ways. I guess that makes us weird, but I am perfectly ok with that! But really who isn't!?!
          After the phone situation Jeff drives me home. At about this point it is 10:25 pm. As we say our good nights sitting in his warm car with snow all around us, I know that this sounds like I have made this sound all romantic and stuff :) I mentioned this fact to help you understand that when you sit in a warm car you really do not look forward to getting out and running through the cold to get home. So, to avoid this you distract yourselves with things that keep you from the cold! Well, at this particular time we entertained our selves, extremely well actually, by turning up the radio and singing loudly and dancing, in a very talented manner I might add for being in a car! I can only imagine how we must have looked by those that might pass by. Did Jeff and I care? Not at all :)
          After three songs, a rap song that Jeff and I came to realize was not so good when you actually dissected the lyrics, So Call Me Maybe... which I find so ridiculous, but in these situations energetic, and You Don't Know You are Beautiful. During the last song a group of 4 roommates walked past us. They must be girls in my Relief Society because they lived in the apartment right below mine. They were all staring at us. One girl particularly was in a kind of trance watching the two crazies in the car who were having a blast. Our eyes met and I just began to laugh, but I did not stop dancing. I think she was amused but also caught off guard so her eyes wouldn't leave mine. In the mist of this she didn't see herself tripping on her roommate and as the entire fall occurred our eyes never left each other. That poor girl!!! I send out a Sorry for laughing. It was just so awkward and funny. I am glad you laughed too and were all right!!

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