Monday, February 4, 2013

The First Three Days of February 2013 = EPIC

An Epic Weekend

     We really did know how to live up this past weekend. It started off slow and relaxing and soon became a whirlwind of entertainment, friends, and family! It started for me on Friday. I love my schedule this semester. I have a three day weekend every week! Yep, I have not classes on Friday. I do have a couple hours of internship in the morning, but it is very enjoyable so I will not complain. I still get to sleep in. After being at the internship for a couple hours I come home, usually by noon and then my weekend begins!! This past Friday I stayed in bed doing homework loving every minute of the accomplishing feeling as I completed lots of homework and the lazy feeling of just sitting in bed in my PJs. Later in the afternoon I took a nice long shower, amazing, and got a little dressed up for the night activities! Jeff, his roommate Austin, my roommate Aubrey, a couple other friends from Jeff and Austin's ward, and I drove up to Salt Lake to eat at the delicious MAZA. I ate yummy Chicken Shawarma and falafel! After the cozy little whole in the wall we partied it up by watching a movie with Aubrey and Mav, Jeff's cousins and my good friends.  We left around midnight, if I am remembering right. All I can remember is getting home super late, but fully enjoying myself.
     Saturday started off similar to Friday morning, lots of PJ's and laziness  but sadly it differed in the amount of homework I did not do. Sadness. But I did take a LONG enjoyable shower!! At lunch time Jeff picked me up to go and see the show I have been waiting for: BYU's Contemporary Dance Team performing in The Thing About Love! I feel in love soon after it began.

     As the performance went on I felt a since of peace to see others performing life the way that I feel I see it. To me life in a way really is a dance. Not always bright and spunky, sometimes dark and confusing, but still a dance! A couple of the main points that stood out to me during the different dances is first that I wished that people expressed more of what they felt. How we move and what we feel is beautiful and it is emotional and gorgeous to see that in others and to feel it with them. The second is that a man and a woman are truly meant to carry each other. I do not know where I have been taught this, but I feel like I have learned that the man has the responsibility to carry the woman, but what I loved is that it is equal. At times during the dance she would carry him and lift him, hold his head when he was tired and he would do the same to her. I want that! I want to be needed as much as I need the man I love! And third, that we do not have to be who we see in the mirror. We live in a world where looks define a lot of what we can do or how we feel about ourselves. We are capable to break free and discover who we really are and who we want to be. It takes courage to not stick to the norm, do what you love, and do what you want to do. Don't just follow the motions of the reflection in the mirror!
     I felt so grateful to have Jeff there with me, and not just there but enjoying the performance too. No, he most deffinently was not geeting the same things out of it as I, but do I expect that? No! He saw beautiful lines and talent. But he was supporting me going to what I love. Would he have bought tickets to go if I had not wanted to, probably never. But, I never would have ever gone to an International Car show a couple weeks ago if Jeff didn't LOVE cars, and I really enjoy it. I love what we learn from being in relationships and respecting and loving the other person so much that you will participate in things you do not have interest in just to make the other happy, but after you realize it made you happy too!!    
     The afternoon did not end after the performance though. We made our monthly trip to Costco, which is always a BLAST :) Full of yummy free snacks and good food to bring home! After shopping we got to go to Emmy and Christina's apartment to celebrate their birthdays. I love those two girls, they always make me laugh and their oh so yummy Asian food and movie watching NEVER gets old!! We watched What To Expect When You Are Expecting!! Once again I cried and laughed while watching it and Jeff loved it even though it was his third time watching it. The first time he watched it was over over the summer and he had text-ed me saying that he wanted to kiss me. This time after watching it he did sneak in a little kiss ;)
     The weekend was not even close to ending here! After getting home late from the birthday festivities late on Saturday we got up early and Jeff and I drove to Salt Lake to go to church with his mom who is in town visiting. It is always a peaceful exciting time with her and Janneke and her adorable family! After enjoying their company we headed back to P-Town around three and prepared for the Super Bowl. At 4:30 the coin toss occurred, I won a free Papa- Johns pizza, and the party began. We had tons of good food, I quickly became nauseas from stuffing myself, but it was worth it! Mavanee and Aubrey made some oh so good cookie dough that I just didn't want to stop eating.. you know how that goes :) The Ravens and the 49ers were playing and we all were on the Ravens team and they ended up winning, but not before the lights in the stadium had gone out a little after half time, quite the adventure! Oh and the cutest part was seeing a big Ravens football player make snow angels in the purple confetti that had fallen from above!

      So fun!!! I really do love my busy good life. Now tomorrow back to homework and the likes, but I just need to remember that the few days in the middle of week are good, too enjoy it!! But you know that things will come up that stink a little every now and then, no worries, because the weekend is soon approaching, and they are always GREAT!!

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