Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ice Boy

Thursday January 24, 2013

    This is a little entry from a couple of week ago, but I just had to type it out because it was such an experience that the day could not be forgotten :)

    So for all you lucky individuals living in the warm Southern California sun you want to be introduced to what you are missing out on by not living the land of ice? Here you go:
As I walked around I saw many individuals rubbing their knees and bums. We called it “freezing rain.” It usually snows when it is this cold. And yes I do not understand the weather so I am just going off of my observations, but because it “chose” to rain and not snow what ever the rain touched immediately turned into ice. The roads, steps, railings, etc. were all covered in layers of ice. It was a land of sliding!! Some enjoyed the experience by ice skating for free. I saw a video of one boy who literally put on his ice skates and had a very enjoyable time up on BYU's campus. Here is a great video that was taken on campus as well:
(just to show the craziness!)

    The best experience for me during the day had to do with a young man I met walking through the snow and ice. I was slowly making my way home. I live on the other side of the University Ave. ,the main street that kinda divides up Provo. I was about to cross it when a young man ran up to walk across the cross walk with me. He was rubbing his bum while making conversation with me. He was nice. It was one of those conversations that you know he is trying really hard to make a good impression. As we got to the other side of the street there was the long way around ice to get to the sidewalk or you could cut through the ice quickly, but you had the risk of falling. I had had enough near misses today. Not trying to get away from this young man I went the safe longer way while he took the short cut. He was ahead of me so he did not see me take the other route. As soon as he turned to talk to me, thinking I was right behind him, finding I was a good ten feet behind me I saw the frustration build. He began talking to himself while hitting his forehead, “Man, you are stupid. Why did you take the short cut? You were going to ask her out! Gosh darnit, you should have walked next to her. Stupid, stupid, stupid.” He would occasionally take a peak back and then start hitting and talking to himself again. I tried so hard not to let him notice that I could hear him perfectly. I also tried really hard not to laugh when he would turn back for a peak.
Poor young man! Part of me wanted so bad to run to him and ask him on a date just to put him out of his misery and to help his confidence!! Poor young man! He was trying so hard :)

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