Saturday, February 23, 2013

1st Valentines

The day before Valentines, Valentines day, and the day after were good days. 
All incorporated something doing with the holiday so I must blog :) 

1. Wednesday Feb. 13th, 2013 - Amanda's Birthday party, I ate food for the first time after having food
2. Thursday Feb. 14th, 2013 - Valentines day.... Jeff was an amazing boyfriend!
3. Friday Feb. 15th, 2013 - Jeff bought the tickets and I won the bet :)

After classes we all met at Brick Oven Pizza to celebrate Amanda's 24th birthday!!! We had them sing to her and everything. The best part was when Jeff ordered his pizza and the waiter placed it on the table it was heart shaped. Just the thing to get us in the Valentines mood :)

Jeff is great at many things, but being creative with surprises, those I just have not seen before. I won't complain. He is a great sport. If I have some crazy off the wall fun idea he is usually game. Which is pretty impressive, because be honest, how many guys would wear matching footy pjs with you? On Valentines morning I was not expecting anything. We had plans for him to pick me up in the evening and he was being very secretive about those plans. I woke up late and was rushing to get to work on time. Right before running out the door at about 8:55 my roommate Marilyn asked, "Have you looked in the kitchen yet?" Being caught off guard it took me a minute to think why she would ask such a thing. I reached for her arm and exclaimed, "No he didn't?" She responded with a smile. I went into the kitchen and this is what I found:

On the table were these flowers, orange roses (haha.. we have a history with orange flowers) mixed with pink flowers. A box of chocolates, a yummy fresh green juice, a box of delicious bran muffins (which was also very creative of him because we have history with them as well) and a card! As I left my door there were chocolate kisses leading from my door, down the two flights of stairs to my car. Jeff swears the chocolate kisses were not him. Someone was just helping him look good ;) The Yukon was covered in pink hearts that he cut out and a Valentines balloon was tied to the drivers door. 
This was both of our first Valentines having a significant other. With no further practice I was excited with the way he started out the day!!
After work and school I wrapped Jeff's presents. Buying gifts for Jeff is kinda hard. He is a picky man! These are the things I know he wants: a new car and a Mac laptop. The card I found him was hilarious :) I went with Amanda card shopping a few days earlier. She is in a new relationship and most cards dealt with "I Love you" or "I am so grateful that I married my best friend". My selection was larger with I Love you cards than Amanda who had to find something with the "I Like you" options. They were all so cheesy though and or scandalous. Well I found a scandalous innocent card. On the cover it said something like "Hey Babe, We should try a new position tonight." Inside the card it showed a guy and girl on a couch with their feet up in the air and their heads where their feet should be all while eating popcorn and watching a movie! I thought it was perfectly hilarious for a couple who has been dating for a year!
His other gifts included the funny game "The Game of Things." I always want this man to play games with me, but he is so picky with what games he likes. I knew he liked this game. So fun for both of us :)
Also I saw an add for zip line tickets through the Provo Canyon. My roommate used to work for the zip line and said that it is a blast. 

At 5:00 pm Jeff picked me up and the first stage of the surprise evening began. As he drove I would guess in my mind what the destination might be. As he turned down the street that our favorite Thai food restaurant I knew what the first part of the evening held. 
It was DELICIOUS as always. We both ordered Massaman Curry, the usual! But we spiced things up with cream cheese wantons :) On my seat was something sticky that must have spilled earlier that day. It was also on the edge of the table. I could feel that the butt of my pants had already begun to stick to the chair. To save myself from worse damage I took my napkin and sat on it, trying to separate myself from the stickiness.
Later that night when I was back home and undressing I found a large piece of a white napkin stuck to my bum. Who knows how many people saw it and thought I have toilet paper hanging from my butt? Haha.. oh the laughs I hope I gave people. When I asked Jeff if he had seen it, he said no. Thank goodness for that :) I told him it was his job to keep me from embarrassing myself too often :) so if anything on my personage was out of place it was his job to make me presentable before showing it to the public eye!
 When we were leaving I saw a couple that I knew. I went over to say hello. I can only imagine that at that point I probably still had the entire napkin hanging from my lovely back side :)
Jeff told me that he next stop of the evening was going to start at 7:00 pm. I tried to guess what it might be, but then we began driving towards Salt Lake. I stopped guessing at this point. Too many options were ahead of me now. 
We stopped at Cabelas to waste time because dinner took less time than planned. I have been mentioning how I wanted to see the river they had in the building. It was awesome.  They not only had a river but a mountain  waterfalls with real fish, and tons of real animals stuffed. But still, like always, Jeff and I had to leave because we fall in love with exercise, backpacking comfy clothes way to easy. 
When it was almost 7:00 pm we drove to the Megaplex at Thanksgiving Point. The theater was HUGE! We watched Safe Haven. It was so Good!!!!! Chickflicky enough for me to enjoy and scary enough for Jeff to enjoy! The funny part was that the theater was at least 75% female. With each tender moment all the females would let out an "ahh" and then the entire audience would laugh at how girly we all were :)
Driving back home Jeff gave me my last gift. It was tickets to go watch the second half of the last Twilight movie for the following night. 


The Twilight bet!!! I am going to let facebook do most of the describing for me. When the movie was about to start Jeff posted that we were there and these are the comments that we got:

haha... He was a good sport. I will give him that. But I must add that he was the one that made the bet. Yes he had to suffer for two hours, but I did too. They are not my favorite movies either. I just wanted to see how they were going to end things. The other thing. I know it may be silly to some, BUT I LOVE my genie pants. It was an incredibly hard three months going with out them. So suffering was on both ends... I was just the one who happened to win the bet :)

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