Saturday, June 7, 2014

Oh The Places You'll Go! Third Trimester Update

I am in LOVE with 
this little man Already! 

In the ultrasound he looked as if his face had distinct cheekbones, big lips, and Jeff's chin. I can hardly wait to see what exactly our little boy looks like! Can't wait to cuddle him and watch his personality grow! Is he going to be a little boy with a sweet calm personality or will he be strong willed and energetic? In just a matter of less than two months our family is going to have an addition and God has chosen who he is! 

"Labor is the only blind date where you know you will meet the love of your life."

Creation is beautiful and full of God's Love! In those moments before, during, and after labor must be one of those moments that we feel the space between the spirit world and ours the closest. I can hardly wait to feel it with my family!

If I could ignore getting up multiple times in the night to pee because of my squished bladder, restless legs that keep me awake, and my hip that is fighting my ligaments to stay in place, oh and fainting, than this experience of growing a human would be perfection. 

Even though it is not perfect I couldn't be more happy! Everyday I am amazed at the miracle my body is performing. All on its own it knows how to produce the correct hormones and stretch a certain way to allow this little guy to grow. I feel like I get to stand by and see a phenomenon take place. He is constantly moving. He is big enough now that I can always find his little bony bum up by my left ribs and his feet kicking my right side. The other day we played high five next to by belly button! Somehow I never get bored resting with my hand on my growing belly and feeling for each movement. How can it be that cells so minute only eight months ago have now multiplied to the point that they have formed into strong limbs that push in all directions making my stomach move in weird ways? Truly Incredible!! 

I can not even mention how grateful I am for Jeff! I've never felt like I am alone in this pregnancy. He has never missed a doctors appointment! He is a comfort and listens to every complaint with compassion. He also listens to the continual baby talk :) We had our first birthing class this past week and I could not have asked for a better companion! He shares his strength with me. I know his strength will pull me through the pains of labor.   

Europe was great for keeping me active! At my prenatal appointment I was happy to hear that during my two months away I only gained 5.5 pounds! Since being home though it has felt too good to relax and not have to walk miles everyday! I have sat on my bum, that I must admit is a little softer than it has been, and have loved soaking in the sun while reading and playing with nephews. I am grateful to Janet for getting me out most days for some exercise! My favorite so far has been our three mile activity: Jeff running back and forth next to us, Janet quick walking, and me riding the bike :) 

Week 32
Happy Memorial Day

Week 33 Photo
I love the updates my phone app tells me. According to this week our little guy is a 4 pound 17 inch pineapple :)

Glucose Test

When we first got home my doctor had me take the routine Glucose test. The test included me drinking this "fabulous" sugared drink and then getting my blood drawn. 

Sadly I failed the first test which meant I could possibly have gestational diabetes. I had to go back for another test. But at this test I drank this lovely drink again, double the sugar as before. I chugged it down. You do not want that flavor in your mouth for long. I had been fasting for 12 hours. Quickly after drinking the sweetness I became really nauseous and light headed. Who wouldn't? I had to stay at the lab for three hours as they continuously took more blood. Janet, my mother-in-law kindly stayed and waited out the long process with me. We had a hard time watching the lab ladies do a horrible job poking me. I should have been stabbed only 4 times, but after breaking blood vessels and other troubles I was stabbed 10 times. Oh fun! :(

 This is the elbow that does not have a bandage.

After all the pain we got good news!! I passed! No diabetes for this Momma!!

Baby Shower #2

My extraordinary sister-in-laws threw me an adorable baby shower with the best theme:

Oh The Places You'll Go 

Everything was full of color and so many great friends came to celebrate! Thank you so much for all the love and support to everyone who helped, came, and gave!

 The Sweets were SO CUTE!!! I couldn't have asked for anything more festive!

 Jeff as always was a great help! 

 photo bomb :)

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