Thursday, June 19, 2014

Spoiled by Mom

A Mom's Love

Growing up is such an interesting aspect of life. As children we completely lean on our parents. They are comfort, safety, entertainers, perfect people, teachers, doctors, and so much more. As we grow there is fight in us to be independent but to keep that idea of our parents perfection for as long as possible. All of their aspects that I mentioned before is the hope we hold on to as we grow and see that the world is not as friendly of a place that we had imagined. Leaving for college was hard to leave that security and safety behind. For the first time when I had a question or a worry I had to turn to my own methods to make the right decision. Mom was not there as a quick reference. Then we find a spouse and all of our hope of happiness turns to that person. But then that person and our parents make mistakes and we have to learn more. We have to understand that we are all are just normal people who do our best. BUT the miracle that lies through all of life is LOVE. We learn that our parents never stop loving us, and what we felt for them all a long was love too. 

Now that I have less than a month before I am a mom I am understanding that I have no idea how to be a perfect mom. It is scary to think that he is going to look at me with those eyes of pure trust. He is going to think that I am all those things that I thought my parents were. He will go through all those stages that I had to as he grows. As scared that I am of those trusting eyes I am even more scared for him to look at me and know that he is learning that I am not everything. But just like I KNOW that my mom will always LOVE me I know that I will ALWAYS love him.

My mom came to visit me these past two weeks! We had so much fun! I am still amazed at my mom's energy :) She keeps me going! She is going to be an amazing grandma! Can't wait to see her when she comes back when this little guy decides to show up.  

 All the presents she brought, we went shopping too. She spoiled me!!


1 comment:

  1. I love you so much! You are a wonderful daughter that continues to inspire me. Line upon line, you are amazing because you love and act upon that love.
