Wednesday, August 27, 2014

One Month Old & Growing

Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling...
It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in.
It is what God gave you time for.
     -Quoted by Elder Neil L. Anderson

On Saturday we went back to the hospital to visit Janet at work. I was so surprised at what I felt walking into the labor and delivery unit. I was filled with so much happiness. Memories flew back from when I was there just a month ago. Yes, the visit was filled with many different kinds of pain, but it was also filled with miracles, family, and tons of kind people. It was in room 5 in the corner that Emmett was placed on my chest, where Jeff and I became a family. Who would have thought that the place where I was exposed for all to see, stretched, and poked would bring me comfort and happiness!

Emmett has been with us for over four weeks ! I can hardly believe he is a month old. And not just that, how much has happened in that month. Fist of all, no one prepares you for the after effects of labor. But then again, who wants to tell you that going to the restroom, walking, sitting, and laying would be miserable. Leaving the hospital I asked for extras of all I could get. I ice packs, cooling wipes, and healing sprays are heaven when one is in this state of mind! Swollen feet and a cushiony body makes fitting into clothes uncomfortable. But the worst, nursing! Everything I wore got soaked through, layers of pads and towels don't cut it. And the pain. Every class tells you that nursing shouldn't hurt. I do not understand why they tell you that. Emmett came out a perfect eater. He latched right on and all the expertst that witnessed it said it was perfect. I mean look at my kid, he is a 

Eating is his forte! I must have been lazy once during one of the midnight feedings because soon the cracks and blisters came. OUCH!!!! And when your milk comes in, well that is an entire other story. If you have gone through it then you know what I mean. Lets just say that I could have given Dolly Parton a run for her money! And lets just say the word tired. I don't think I understood the word until I became a mom. When emotions are running wild, exhaustion is in full force, and a baby wants to suck on your blisters for half an hour when he just got done doing that an hour and half earlier. And this doesn't end. It happens night after night. This is when I learned what tired really was. But yet somehow women give birth over and over again. And will I go through this all over again. I happily will! 

Emmett's 1st day homes, just two days old:

Just a little cross eyed :)

Learning to go to the bathroom is hard :(

Cuddling with Grandma Donna

Black mail

Jeff trying to photograph my swollen self... not happening!

Every one who holds Emmett says he is perfect. I know everyone says that about all babies, but I personally think it is true. I am biased, I know, but just look at this adorable face. 

It was fun to watch as his swelling went down as more and more days passed after birth. His super cone shaped head took a while to normalize. Sorry little man, that was my fault. I guess my body just enjoyed being pregnant too much. But now it is cute and round... just as it should be :) 

When we were in Italy Anna gave us a beautiful traditional newborn outfit. It is just beautiful!

As I have done my best to take it easy and recoup my favorite thing has been to see Jeff love and admire Emmett! There is nothing better to see than a dad that is gentle and in awe of his kids! I do my best to not photograph every minute ;) but here are some:

After a few days of Emmett being home Jeff celebrated by having a bonfire. I am kind of scared to see what Emmett's relationship with fire is going to be! With Jeff as his dad who knows what can happen.

During his first two weeks I think Janet and Jeff did over 20 loads of laundry. The funniest experience to explain why so much water and soap was used occurred when Emmett was just a few days old.  It was early, around 6am. When you have a baby that wants to eat every two hours 6am feels like the middle of the day. I was in the shower. The most peaceful place right? Jeff had taken over Emmett duty and I was enjoying dim lights and candles when Jeff comes running in saying, "I need in!" while he has Emmett held out at arms length. He (Jeff and Emmett) were covered in pee and poo. We both started laughing historically. My peaceful shower was quickly interrupted and another load of laundry, including all of our bedding and Jeff and Emmett's clothing were washed. We quickly learned not to change Emmett while on the bed! Even with our best attempts though Emmett has a natural skill to shoot urine across the room while changing him, causing our fresh bed linens to be washed again and again :) 

 we started using these pads that the hospital gave me. More protection the better :)

 All of his cousins are so sweet with him! He is a lucky guy!

Some of his favorite things:
It is amazing what the sound of running water does for this little guy. When all needs are met and yet he continues to cry the trick that works every time is to go into the bathroom and turn on the shower. He instantly quiets and within minutes his eyes have usually closed and he is perfectly content! 

And if we don't feel like wasting water than water running white noise on youtube is the key!

He also LOVES his binki. We knew when he began sucking fingers that he would be a binki baby.

Jeff, Janneke, and Janet would donate their fingers to appease him, and when they would try and save their pruned finger by beginning the pulling their finger out motion they would receive the angry Emmett look. 

He has mastered it well! I always give in when he gives me that look when I am not fast enough to nurse him.  When he "finally" became two weeks old Emmett was given a binki and his response to insert and suck was immediate!

Outdoors! I think it is the light and warmth. Every time I step outside he becomes peaceful!

And of course sleeping. But what new born doesn't? His sleep is addicting, many an adult has given in :)

 Grandpa Shirts

 Aunt Roselee

Aug 18th, 2014
I left Emmett on his tummy and just came back to find my as of today one month old on his back. To test him, so I could believe my eyes I rolled him back on his tummy and there he went onto his back again. Is my one month old really rolling over already. I knew he didn't like tummy time.. but really! We have a strong man on our hands! 

Not only  has this month been full of first because of this sweet little boy but because our family moved into our first apartment in a new town, sold our Yukon and bought a new car, and Jeff started medical school!

In Emmett's nursery is this changing table. It is the same one that my mom used when I was a baby. It has always been in my home growing up and now it will be in my children's home. 

Checking out our new town of Moscow Idaho with these fancy new wheels my mom got us!

Jeff's stethoscope ceremony! 

Jeff has 30 classmates and they are all really nice! Just by walking into the room to first meet everyone Emmett gained quite a few adoring fans. Many of the girls are offering to be a free babysitter in between studying :)  There are a few other married couples in the program and the wives that I get to hang out with are awesome! We are excited for these next four years!
Our new journey begins! Jeff is learning to become Dr. Shirts and Emmett and I get to play house! 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Amber and Jeff wonderful reporters with flair. I enjoy the words and pictures immensely, documented to remember forever. Looking forward to see your precious family and of course holding time! :)
