Wednesday, September 24, 2014

2 Months Old & Oh So Handsome

Emmett Jeffrey Shirts 

He is my new entertainment! I can't help but take hundreds of pictures and stare at him all the time! Oh I just LOVE him so much! 

I also must mention how grateful I am to be a stay at home mom! This world we live in most homes survive only because two people work. I am surprised with how many women ask me when I will go back to work. When I reply that I wont be, that this 24/7 job I currently have keeps me busy, happy, and exhausted I get the strangest looks. I feel like they are aghast that I am giving up my right as a woman to have a career. And yes, when I am changing cloth diapers all day and using my body as a feeding machine I too question my purpose, but then I remember the sacred calling I have. I am grateful for a husband who even though we are in medical school supports me being home and changes our lifestyle so it is possible! I am lucky enough to say that I get to see each one of his firsts and I wouldn't have it any other way!

This month has been full of sleeping and laughing! Emmett laughed for the first time on my birthday, the best birthday present I could have asked for!
September 1st- He smiled for the first time, getting into the shower
September 2nd- Jeff and I both saw him while playing with his feet
September 4th- smiled randomly through the day!
September 15th- laughed for the first time!

 It has been so much fun to watch Emmett's eyes begin to focus! He watches me as I walk around the room. He gets excited when he hears excited voices and he loves it when I tell him "Good Morning!" And his crying face and whimpers melts my heart! 

 Little bubble making slobber boy!

If you notice a lady who always has circles around her eyes  from lack of sleep. Sadly it would be me. I have not mastered the advice of all: sleep when the baby is sleeping. This is my goal for month three! I need to get my energy back!!!
Emmett had a huge surprise for us on August  25th, 2014! He slept for 7 hours straight,  9pm- 4am!!! I am praying with all my might that this may be a permanent change. The next night he only decrees by one hour, 9pm-3am, which still made me really excited. But that trend sadly continued to decrees. If anyone is up for nursing parties in the middle of the night I will be game :)

Cute moments of the past month:

He LOVES being swaddled still!
 Good study partners! Jeff tries to help me get an extra hour of sleep when ever he can :)

 His onsie explains it all :) He was exploding out of his diaper so I placed him down and then the two feet of flying throw up occurred!! It is amazing how much can come out of such cute little people!

 Oh how he loves the water! Showers are his favorite!
 The view near our apartment!

 Fell asleep on all fours :)

Oh the places babies can fall asleep in

Jeff had just gotten home from the gym and Emmett decided to take that moment to throw up all over both of them. All you can do is laugh. The best this month though was when we were at church. During the first of the three hours we have sacrament meeting. During the hymn right before sacrament we hear a loud gassy rumble and then out of Emmett's pant leg comes shooting a puddle worthy amount of diarrhea. A little went on Jeff's suit pants and the rest on the floor. Jeff and I couldn't stop laughing and had to leave because our irreverence was going to make a seen! In the next 30 minutes he threw up all over us and soaked me with breast milk. With smiles on our faces we went home early ;)

Sleeping smiling Superman
During my last trimester of pregnancy I appliqued a handful of onsies. This one was my favorite!
Birthday smiles & kisses for mom!

Sad and tired Emmett face

It was so fun when I realized that Emmett was big enough for his Bumbo! He has sat in there for a half hour hitting at the air with his hands. Always making me laugh :)

Quality time with grandpa!


  1. Love this stage! Emmett you are adorable and I love,love,love you. The pictures and descriptions make it alive to me. Thank you guys for keeping this going.

  2. What fun pictures... Amber, you can never take too many pictures! When our oldest David was a baby he had acid reflux, & one day while we were sitting in sacrament meeting he profusely vomited his 8 oz bottle of milk all over himself, Charlie & I, & the carpet... A lady, who was sitting behind us, handed us some tissues. However, Charlie had to go to the bathroom & get paper towels to clean up the mess the thrown up milk had made. I enjoy reading your blog posts... Keep them coming!
