Monday, February 16, 2015

October 2015 A Busy Month Full Of Fun

I was looking through pictures and I found a folder titled October 2014.  There were too many good ones to pass up these good memories!

Two sweet cousins that love to learn! Christopher loves to read to Emmett :)

haha!!! He was not a fan of the pumpkins :)

Happy Fall! 
My mom flew into Spokane to spend a couple weeks with us!!! Our first stop was at Trader Joes to buy yummies for her stay :) They had this fun pumpkin patch so we had to take pictures

He loved playing with Nona!

My Mom and Emmett's Photo Shoot

Being the poor never ending college students that we are we offered my mom a photo shoot with Emmett for her birthday. I loved watching my mom play with, love , and cuddle my little man. My favorites together!


We live right on the Palouse with all amber waves of grain :) My mom got really excited when she learned this and we took a nice walk exploring these pretty rolling hills

Jeff and Emmett love taking showers! Jeff always startles me when I walk by the bath room and Emmett is popping his head up over the top of the shower :) 

While my mom was visiting I found out that my grandpa was having health issues so in the car we went. With a two month old we spent 14 hours driving down. Emmett was so good and slept the entire way. At the half way point we stopped to spend the night with Uncle Dan! It was really fun to visit with them! While we were in Provo we had a picnic up in the canyon where Jeff purposed! It was a beautiful day and was super fun to take my mom and Emmett to my special place :)

Dinner with Austin at our favorite Thai Village!!! 

Emmett meeting Cousin Mav for the first time!

Visiting with friends in Provo Utah! 

We stayed at Uncle Allen's for the week! I am so lucky to have such a sweet loving family! Thank you for all you do!

My Mom flew out of the Provo airport back to California so I was forced to make the long drive home with Emmett. Everything was smooth sailing for the first 9 hours. Emmett slept and sun was out. Then everything turned. A storm came in, the sun went down and Emmett woke up and screamed! I was in a mountain pass where there was no where to pull over so I couldn't comfort him. I also sprained my back two days earlier and the ache was getting terrible! I was getting so anxious, ready to be done!!!! When I finally got to Coeur d'Alene Jeff should have won husband of the year! He had my massage table set up and a warm shower ready and running. He took over with Emmett duty and I had a night of spa treatment!!!

The next morning after church :) Oh the amounts of things that can come out of babies


How can you not love the colors of fall! 
Janet and Robert's back yard

Can't get over my cute boy!

Studying with Dad! Jeff is so busy studying, but these two still find time to bond! 

He LOVES looking at himself :)

I was making this yummy sauce and as I was adding the soy sauce to the mayo it made this cute smiley face! My food must love me as much as I love eating it :)

He only ever cuddles and falls asleep like this with dad!

They are so cute together! 

His favorite things are smiling, standing, his mama's milk, and exploring!

Happy Three months to my little swaddled man! To celebrate his day I got a massage and we ate a delicious confetti cake. He was barely larger than the cake :)

Emmett with his friend Macey. I made the caterpillar out fit that she is wearing. She is the most precious little girl!

These CUTE friends are five months apart! This picture was taken in September (a little over a month earlier than the Halloween pic) 

Church Trunk Or Treat!

Our traditional hippie van pumpkin :)

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