Monday, January 26, 2015

Part 2: Central California

Emmett's first plane ride!
December 17th, 2014
Spokane to Oakland

Off to Nona's house we go! 

"Dude.. I'm cool" :)

He did really good on take off but his ears gave him trouble on the descend and there was nothing we could do to comfort him :( We were those people on the plane. Luckily everyone had already oogled over him for the majority of the flight so they couldn't turn on us. On our flight back I was sure to get him latched on and drinking before the plane made its gradual descend and he was the happiest flirt with everyone around!

Meeting Grandpa George for the first time! Quick friends :)

We spent a week seeing and enjoying so many friends in Lodi! 

He also loved meeting Auntie Katherine!


He is already learning that he likes to kiss pretty girls :)

Bianca and Emmett

Nona with her babies!!!

We met up with the Gillingwaters at the Oakland LDS Temple and saw the beautiful lights and Life of Christ show there! It was beautiful and Emmett did not mind all the attention he got ;)

The ladies

My handsome guys :)

Cute boys!!

Rachel, Daniel, and Zack lovin' on Emmett

Rockin' the Moby wrap 

Jeff accosting Daniel. We think he liked it. . .
View of San Fran from the temple

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