Friday, October 5, 2012

Orange Flower ;)

Tonight I received my first orange flower!!! 

Not only did this flower bring me excitement, and I have to say it was obvious... the whole way home I would randomly exclaim from my mouth with a little high pitched happy girly voice, "Guess what?" and then before anyone (Jeff or Amanda) could start guessing I would answer, "I got an orange flower!" Yes, I truly did that. I guess one could say it was a happy hormone and that were apparent in the moment. Although I look back at it and realize I was being VERY girly I do not regret it because
 "I got an orange flower !" 

The pondering that has thus taken place since my so thoughtful boyfriend surprised me out of the blue with my orange flower took me back to my memories of flowers :

The five year old me. Can you imagine a mushroom hair cut, yes sadly I had them over and over. Why you ask, I can not know? Along with that beautiful hairstyle I showed off long dangly earrings that fell down to my shoulders. I was SO proud of them!!! I made them myself at the bead shop on the plaza. The plaza itself is its own world of exciting culture to explore that I will have to expound on one of these days!!! Oh my beautiful hippie childhood :)

(Here I found a picture of the mushroomness)
Now that you have "enjoyed" the hair I will get back to flowers. My mother is a huge lover of gardening.  She would try to instill this love into my core by randomly taking me to a store that had rows upon rows of flowers. She would get all excited, telling me "Now Amber, you can pick out any flower plant you would like and then we can take it home and plant it in the ground. If we take care of it and water it then we will get to watch it grow." Every time this trip to the flower shop came around I can only imagine she would hope for me to pick a new flower, but no, I always chose the same... the awesomely cool popcorn flower... which a few years ago I learned actually has the name of Snapdragons. The name "Popcorn flower" is SOOOO much better if you ask me. Not only would I pick out the the Popcorn flowers, but I would pick yellow ones because they were bright and yellow, and obviously because butter popcorn is the best!  I would love to pinch between the two round heads and make the popcorn talk!!!

The second memory:

I was in 6th grade, oh that lovely awkward stage of life. We lived near Boise Idaho at the time and my life consisted of GYMNASTICS!! I loved it, I lived it.... basically I was at the gym all the time... My mom took me to my first college gymnastics meet and I was in high heaven. Under my breath I would whisper every skill the gymnast performed in her routine and then if they made a mistake I would shake my head in a sad manner and whisper a correction. Oh ya know.. the little things like "oh honey point your toe, squeeze your bum"... as if I was knowledgeable to be their judge! I remember turning to my mom and with a very authoritative voice pronouncing, "Mom, please tell any man I ever date to never buy me flowers. If he is going to spend money on me he should buy us tickets to see a gymnastics meet instead. Such a better use of money." Oh man, what made me think of that at the time... once again, I can not know... but at the time, I was SOOO serious. Such an innocent little me... how things have changed :)

The third memory:

Number 13 Belmont Apartments... An amazing place I called home during my first four semesters at BYU Provo. Valentines day was coming around and the single me was not going to let the holiday get me down. Just when I was about to plan a way to keep a smile on my face An amazing adventure awaited me! For the seven days before Valentines I got a valentine on my door. Each one was new and exciting with fun poems and drawings on them. I spent the whole week guessing who they could be from. Finally, the day before Valentines arrived and in the card it said that I would be picked up for a Valentines dinner the next night. I was so excited to see who this mystery person was... I opened the door when it knocked and was SOOO excited to see my two besties standing there with a red flower, which they handed to me! After we went on a blast of a date to the Creamery... which I had never been to before.. I was so excited :)
I know that there must have been other times in my life that I was given flowers or had had amazing moments where flowers had been present... high school graduation, walking off the plane in Hawaii and being lei'd, so on and so on... but they do not stick out like the above experiences do...

And now today... My orange flower!!!

Just because he got it for me ... when I asked him why he said
"Can't I buy my girlfriend a flower just because!?!"
and then I kissed him ;)

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